Welcome to Thinking In 3D
My name is Nick D’Andrea and I live and was raised in Worcester, Massachusetts. I have been married for 4 years to my beautiful wife Darcy. Darcy and I have a beautiful daughter named Cecilia and in 2012 we will be expecting another member to our clan. I truly enjoy time with my family, there isn’t a moment of the day where I wish I could just stop what I am doing and go hang out with my family. I enjoy spending time with my friends as well, and in some cases I like hanging out with my friends more, because as we all know families sometimes suck.
I have always been known to be opinionated, sarcastic and relatively intelligent (please, no jokes). So I have decided to start blogging. About what you ask? Anything. Anything that comes in front of me that I think needs a little bit of criticism or praise. One day I will decide to write about politics, the next day I will write about the local issues and the next I will write about sports…..you seeing my pattern?
I dabbled in writing a few years back as a joke and was told that I have a knack for it. I truly honestly like writing in diary format on a subject, which makes sense because I enjoy the writings of Holy Cross Grad Bill Simmons. I couldn’t write a diary all the time because that would just drive me crazy.
The blogs name is called Thinking In 3D. It’s kind of deep which gives you a sense of thinking at a real life level, but for those of you that really know me, you understand the title, and maybe someday I will explain here on this blog. I will try to update the blog on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It will be a tough task, so don’t be surprised if you see posts on random days or if I miss a few days. Remember, I don’t get paid for this, I have a job, I have a family and I have extra-curricular activities.
I’m not going to say I decided to blog because I want to change the world or show the true meaning of life. I started to blog because I think writing about your thoughts, your life and experiences are healthy. Ones life experience should be shared because experiencing them alone is no fun. For those of you those followed me on Twitter during child birth for Cecilia realize what I am talking about.
I hope this blog is fun for you and if you have any suggestions or questions you would like me to comment on please send them to me. I’m game.
Coming Right Atcha